I don’t live in this reality.
I live in the Reality of my
Father in Heaven. I don’t belong here.
I belong to my Redeemer who became a
servant upon earth but rules from all eternity. When I live in this world, despair,
self-pity, and fear flood my soul. When I lift my gaze to my Heavenly
Bridegroom, joy, hope, and assurance pour into my heart. My mind is refreshed
and renewed with Faithful Promises from Scripture and the sweet, gentle voice
of the Holy Spirit.
He is in me. I am not my own (I Corinthians 6:19-20). I don’t belong to myself any
more than I belong to the world or people like me. I belong to a Risen Savior,
a Resurrected Christ who never sinned and didn’t stay in the grave. He defeated
death and the fear of death for me. Hallelujah! “Oh, death where is your sting?
Oh grave, where is your victory?” (I Corinthians 15:55).
I don’t belong here. I walk in flesh and blood, but this
body is a garment that I’ll one day put off and exchange for immortality (II
Corinthians 5:1-4). In the meantime, my spirit is being rejuvenated every day,
transformed into the glory of God as I throw open wide the doors of my mind and
heart to Him—His Presence, His Truth (II Corinthians 3:18). Jesus is the Way,
the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). He is a Person, and He is passionately
pursuing intimacy with every person He created.
The Bible says, “Let all those rejoice who put their trust
in You! Let them ever shout for Joy because You defend them. Let those also who
love Your name be joyful in You. For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous.
With favor You will surround him as with a shield” (Psalm 5:11-12).
Do you hear the exuberance in that? The utter triumph? David
is rejoicing with all his might—David who brought down Goliath and hid from
Saul for years before he was anointed king. God fulfilled His promise, but
David learned to worship when nothing was going well. His wife and children
were stolen, his men wanted to stone him, the Israelite army pursued him. How
could he rejoice? What was going right? His relationship with God! His favor!
His anointing! David believed in the faithful love of God, and he rejoiced in
Even later in his life, after he became king, circumstances
seldom went smooth. He fell to temptation, his favorite son rebelled, his other
sons were slain by an older brother. His land was plagued by an angel of
judgment when he became proud and numbered the able-bodied men. God was moved
by David’s heart, though, and forgave him and intervened time and again. And in
the midst of it all, David praised the Lord. He LOVED the Presence of God. He
knew that in God only were joy and pleasure found (Psalm 16:11).
David lived in a reality above the earthly realm. And he
learned how to worship in the very middle of disaster and touch the Father’s
heart. He knew how greatly the Father longed to fellowship with him, and he
recognized rightly that the blood of animal sacrifices could never take away
his sin. Rather, a broken and contrite heart releases mercy from the heart of
God (Psalm 51:16-17).
Jesus said, “I Am”(John 8:58).
He is the Reality Today that we’re called to abide in. Abide: Make our home,
dwell, rest, remain. Why? Because He is the safety we crave. He is the Joy, the
Peace, the Delight, the Freedom, and the Strength we desperately need.
We look for pleasure in sex, material possessions, games,
and addictions. We look for strength in intelligence, body building, and weapons.
We look for peace in compromise, control, and global treaties. But none of
these things satisfy. Why? Because we were made for more. More goodness. More holiness. More glory than this world can
imagine or ever offer. Only Jesus can.
All we have to do to receive these precious gifts is embrace
His reality. Really. Just walk in. His arms are open and all the hosts of
Heaven are holding their breath…
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