I have sat in a University classroom and heard the arguments for homosexual relationships and gay marriage. The most widely used arguments include the beliefs that 1. homosexuality is inherent--you are born that way 2. they are being discriminated against in the same way that the Blacks and Native Americans were 3. everyone has the right to do what makes him/her happy as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.
These beliefs appear legitimate and even Christian at first glance, so I began to pray and ask God why the Bible opposes homosexual behavior without equivocation. Why did the New Testament church continue to condemn homosexuality as well as adultery and fornication and idolatry while dismissing other Old Testament laws as unimportant, like eating pork, touching a woman on her menstrual cycle, and sacrificing animals?
First, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so we no longer need to do the outward rituals to try to be right with God. Instead, we are to walk in holiness and purity so that our redeemed lives honor God. When we follow His standards and live within His boundaries, we are kept safe and protected from demonic influence as well as the natural consequences of a deviant lifestyle, which include all sorts of physical and mental illness as well as early death.
Second, if happiness and equality are the standard, folks, we are in big trouble. Sadists are happiest when they're torturing/raping someone. Drug dealers are happiest when they're filling our youth up with cocaine and heroine. Thieves are happiest when they're getting away with embezzlement. Pedophiles are happiest when they're having sex with our kids.
The same is true for saying that homosexuals are born that way. Pedophiles use the same argument, saying it is their genetic makeup to be attracted sexually to children. So whose children are we going to allow them to begin grooming? Do you have a problem with an 8-year-old having intercourse with a grown man? Serious vaginal and rectal damage occur whenever a pedophile "loves" a child.
So maybe our society will draw a strong, sharp line between homosexual love and pedophiles, but why? The very reasons to justify and legalize gay marriage open the door to child molesters convincing children that they "want" an adult to make love to them.
If in fact, we justify happiness only when it does no harm, then we must look again at the harm homosexual relationships cause long-term. If gay marriage doesn't hurt someone, why do studies reveal that the LGBT groups suffer more mental disorders, illnesses, and early death then any other group? Why do studies show that children suffer more when they are deprived of parents from each gender? And if happiness is so important to homosexuals, why are they now suing to get married in churches that don't agree with them? They're sure not concerned with other people's happiness if they're doing that!
Having different skin colors does no harm to anyone. But sexual orientations that diverge from one man-one woman do. God did not create a gay gene, nor would He command us to abstain from what we had no power to control. However, every person on this planet has a choice--unless forcibly raped or molested--of who to have sex with.
Sex outside God's law will never bring true happiness. True love is from God. Men, Jesus is the Man in love with you! Women, Jesus is full of love for you! And because He loves you passionately, He died for you and erected moral boundaries to keep you safe from the lies of the enemy, who comes to steal your true identity, health, and life!
You aren't born gay or lesbian, but we are all born with a sin nature that Jesus transforms when we embrace His True Love!!! The Apostle Paul explains that sexual sin is sin against one's own body and comes from the wrong belief that sex is for our happiness rather than God's glory. God designed marriage to reflect His relationship with the church and He chose to create two genders who unite as one to produce offspring.
Scriptures: Matthew 19:4-6, Acts 15:24-29, Romans 1:22-32, I Corinthians 6:9-20, I Thessalonians 4:3-8, Revelation 22:14-16
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