In quietness and confidence will be your strength. Isaiah 30:15
"Condemnation is the Giant, Sweetheart. The giant of Gath that says he will throw your bones to the dogs. He is the voice of the evil one who knows he cannot touch you but wants to make you cower in fear.
Do you know who you are, Daughter? You are Mine. You are totally covered in the righteousness of Jesus and wholly purchased by the blood of My Son.
What word of the enemy will I listen to? None. And neither must you. You are precious and holy, called by My name. What accusation will I allow to stand against you? None. I know your weaknesses and flaws, and I paid the ransom for everyone of them.
What is condemnation? It is the waves of the sea, driven and tossed by the ire of serpents and scorpions. But you must walk through the waves, and I will be with you. The storm will have no hold on you if you keep your gaze on Me.
You want to perform to silence Condemnation. Child, it cannot be done. Fix your gaze on Me and learn from Me. Ignore the voices of condemnation, fear, and self-pity. Ignore jealousy, bitterness, and wrath whether your own or others. Focus on Truth, on righteousness, justice and peace. Let Me be your joy and Hope will rise within you.
You are Mine. That is the basis of your dealing with the voices of condemnation. That and My goodness toward you. That old serpent the devil would rob you of your joy, but I already paid in full for all your mistakes. Focus on your identity in Me, on the riches of My goodness.
And remember, Daughter: for Me nothing is impossible. In no way will the taunts of the giant keep Me from pouring My blessing on you."
~Your Papa God
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