Shine, glorious child of Mine, shine bright like the sun!
Total transparency radiates Jesus within
And like the Light that forces Darkness to flee
So there's no need to fear that Darkness can come near
When you're clothed in My glorious Light.
Shine like the Sun, glowing brighter like the break of day.
It's not about you--it's all about Me
And I am Joy and Wonder and Brilliant Light.
Everything you do and say is all for Me
And then your life radiates My glory.
Face shining, skin glowing
But nothing about your beauty is skin deep.
Radiate that Light within
And don't cover up.
Don't think you're too much or not enough.
Don't apologize or undermine your great worth.
Incredible value have My children who adore Me.
I reign within and the world must see--
I'm the Coming King and those who flee
Love Darkness more than Light.
They cling to works that one day I'll burn away
But you will stand as a Lighthouse,
Passionately burning for all the world to see.
Total transparency equals total beauty to Me.
Holy passion, holy fervor, holy flame
Dancing, dancing, bursting with joy
Out of crazy, world-changing love for Me!
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