As a mom, I’ve changed a lot of poopy diapers, cleaned up a lot of messes. Very young children must eliminate waste the same as the rest of us; they just haven’t learned how to control when or where. They also aren’t able to clean up the mess they’ve made, so moms, dads, caregivers—we do it for them. We wipe bottoms and wash vomit from faces because we love them and understand that our toddler’s body is just doing its job: getting rid of unwanted elements. That’s how bodies stay healthy.
God has also designed our souls to eliminate waste, to reject the harmful substances we swallow. But like little children, sometimes we don’t know how or where to get rid of the waste. Hurtful words spill out of our mouths onto others; bad attitudes create messes nobody wants to clean up. But God does. And so do other loving, mature Christians who understand that “closet-time” must be learned. As we grow in our Christian walk, we discover that God is gently training us to expel our frustrations, self-pity, and angsts in time alone with Him. In the quiet of His presence, He helps us identify the things that harm us, eliminate them, and wash our hearts and minds anew in the cleansing water of the Word through the power of His Spirit.
As with physical children, if proper and private elimination of soul-waste is not learned, friends and family begin to express concern for their loved ones who are not progressing toward maturity. A pervasive illness of the soul often occurs from the intake of a toxin or from an untended wound that turns to gangrene. The soul warns us of its unhealthy state through symptoms that bubble to the surface, showing up in bouts of bitterness, anger, self-pity, and lack of self-control.
When we are not experiencing Christ’s peace, joy and love in our lives, do we submit to checkups from loving friends and family to help discern the reason for their absence? Can we accept others’ insights if they share concern about symptoms of illness? Even more, do we accept the medicine provided by the Master Physician, the Great Lover of our souls who sees the exact reason for our illness?
His truth “divides between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) How wonderful to know the Counselor who never misdiagnoses a trauma, never prescribes a wrong medicine, and never turns His back no matter how nasty the smell and sight of our souls’ gangrene may get!
Jesus, thank You for loving me enough to peel back the bandages of works that I slap over wounds I don’t want others to see. Thank You for exposing the injuries inside me to the pure oxygen of grace so that infection loses its dark power. I praise You for the oil You pour over my heart, burning into my very core as Your love destroys the lies that contaminate my trust in You. And I bless Your name, precious Savior, for the price You paid so I can be laid upon a bed in Your Father’s house and receive the fullness of Your loving care!
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