"You'll need every bit of what you learned at YWAM," Jesus said to me a few days ago, and now I understand what He meant.
I need every bit of grace and mercy and freedom from judgment that Jesus extends to start this blogspot because fear would slap ducttape over my mouth. Two years ago I gave up my blogspot about Scripture jewels to return to China, and now I'm a divorced mother of four young children, immersed in a second year of college, studying secular psychology. What do I know about the perfect Christian life? Nothing, but I know the truth that Gerald May wrote: "Grace is God's passion." So here I am, letting go of fear and freefalling into the arms of beautiful grace to share again.
My heart overflows with all the goodness God has poured into my life, and I feel like TobyMac in his song Tonight, "Like a river no dam can hold, being driven by a Source overflowing our souls." God's grace and mercy are so big, so wonderful, and so gentle to the wounded heart that, like Peter and Paul before the Sanhedrin, I "cannot help but speak the things which we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20).
Isn't Jesus wonderful? Isn't He the most beautiful Man who ever lived? Doesn't He hold our hearts with such joyful love? For surely His heart rejoices when we rest our souls in Him. So I invite you on this blogspot to join with me in sharing what Jesus has done. We're His witnesses of His mercy and grace, and the world needs to hear it.
When I talk to people, I talk about "My Jesus." Why do I do this? Because we need a personal Savior. Jesus is real and close to each one of us when we call to Him. When we accept His testimony of Himself, recorded in the Bible, He becomes for each one of us "my Jesus, my Savior, my Healer, my Deliverer." The world needs to know this Jesus. They need to experience what A.W. Tozer said, "We can seek God and find Him! God is knowable, touchable, hearable, seeable with the mind, the hands, the ears, and the eyes of the inner man."
When I say, "My Jesus" I mean the Savior of mankind who lived and bled 2000 years ago and rose again, triumphant over hell and the grave. Hallelujah! The Father has left His record of proof in the documents composing the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible. He authenticated His life, death, and resurrection in a way that puts secular history books to shame, preserving and declaring the truth by His Spirit, confirming to our hearts and minds that we are adopted as His children when we fix our faith on Him and not on our own efforts or the devil's lies.
So help me, please, all of you who rejoice to know this Savior, in discovering more and more of our precious Jesus, falling even more radically in love with Him, and rejoicing in the passionate depths of His love for us.
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