"The Lord God...revealeth his secret unto his servants." --Amos 3:7
"I know a God who loves you deeply, madly, unconditionally. He is just waiting for you to turn to Him and say, 'Here, take it. I can't fix what is broken in my life.' He promises to give you rest." --Heather George
"I have a special path for you. I have you on a path which is all your own. It is not My way for anybody else. It will become clear to you only by revelation from Me. I call it the golden path. It is a sacred secret between us. Guard it and keep it, treasure it in the secret places of your soul." --Frances Roberts
"Get used to fear. It's what pushes you into faith. That knot in your stomach isn't untying anytime soon--the only option is to accept it as part of the ride and even dare to enjoy it a bit. Put your arms in the air, feel the rush, and scream your guts out all the way into whatever it is God has for you. Wheee!" --Holley Gerth
"Great faith isn’t the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It’s simply taking God at His word and taking the next step." --Joni Eareckson Tada
"Faith is not an effort, a striving, a ceaseless seeking, as
so many earnest souls suppose, but rather a letting go, an abandonment, an
abiding rest in God that nothing, not even the soul’s shortcomings, can
disturb." –Evan
"When we focus on God, the scene changes. He’s in control of
our lives; nothing lies outside the realm of His redemptive grace. Even when we
make mistakes, fail in relationships, or deliberately make bad choices, God can
redeem us." –Penelope J. Stokes
"There is nothing but
God’s grace. We walk upon it; we breathe it; we live and die by it; it makes
the nails and axles of the universe." –Robert Louis Stevenson